Hannah Kobayashi, a 30-year-old woman who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in November during a layover at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), has reportedly been spotted alive on CCTV crossing into Mexico. Her disappearance had caused many to think she was dead. Her father, Ryan Kobayashi, was overwhelmed with grief during his search for her, and committed suicide.
Hannah was last seen at LAX, where she was scheduled to board a connecting flight to New York. Friends and family reported that she had sent alarming text messages in the hours leading up to her disappearance
According to her loved ones, it was uncharacteristic of her to miss such an important flight, and many suspected foul play.
As days turned into weeks with no sign of Hannah, her father, Ryan, reportedly became consumed by despair. Despite his relentless efforts to find her, he took his own life just 11 days after her disappearance.
Investigators recently uncovered security footage placing Hannah near the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, roughly 145 miles south of Los Angeles. The footage, dated November 12 and 13—just one day after her disappearance—captured her crossing into Mexico.
Officials have stated there is no evidence to suggest foul play, with one source commenting, “She’s an adult and can choose to be missing.”
Hannah’s family has yet to issue a detailed statement about this. Her sister, Sydni, speaking with reporters, said,
“We do remain hopeful and optimistic that the Los Angeles Police Department is doing everything in their power to assist us in locating Hannah,” Sydni stated. “Intuitively knowing her and being so close to her my entire life, I just know this is absolutely not like her.”
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Chief Jim McDonnell addressed the ongoing investigation, confirming that detectives had reviewed extensive surveillance footage and employed various techniques to track Hannah’s movements.
“The investigation determined that Hannah’s missed connection was intentional,” McDonnell said. He added that the LAPD’s Missing Persons Unit took over the case on November 15 and has been working diligently to locate her.