The founder and chief executive officer of Telegram, Pavel Durov, is set to learn Wednesday whether he will face charges and even be remanded in custody after his weekend arrest by French authorities over alleged violations at the messaging app.
Durov, 39, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris late Saturday, and while the judicial authorities have repeatedly extended his initial period of detention, it can last a maximum of 96 hours.
As part of a probe that was confidentially opened on July 8, Durov is being investigated on suspicion of 12 offences related to failing to curb extremist content on Telegram, sources close to the investigation have said.
The tech mogul founded Telegram as he was in the process of quitting his native Russia a decade ago. Its growth has been exponential, with the app now boasting over 900 million users.
Pavel Durov, a private individual with multiple citizenships (Russia, France, and the United Arab Emirates), is the enigmatic founder of Telegram.
Despite his estimated $15.5 billion fortune (according to Forbes), Durov advocates for a simple life, including taking ice baths and abstaining from alcohol and coffee.
Durov’s recent detention in Paris has raised several questions, particularly regarding the timing and circumstances. French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the situation on X, stating that the arrest was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and not a political decision.
Macron emphasized that the judges will ultimately decide the outcome.
In response to the charges, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that the allegations are severe and require substantial evidence to avoid restricting freedom of communication and intimidating Durov.
The UAE, where Telegram is based, is closely monitoring the situation and has requested consular access for Durov.
Notably, Elon Musk, CEO of X, has expressed support for Durov using the hashtag #FreePavel.”