Nollywood actress Mercy Johnson has taken to social media to debunk claims that she has cancer. This was based on her last message tweeted and obviously misinterpreted by fans and others alike.
She tweeted;
She said, “I had a scare. I had a cancer scare. It was like a journey for us because of the kids. My last born was 6 months at that time. We had to understand that this is our new reality. Let’s get the surgery done. They said I was going to be on medication for the rest of my life. It was a reality that we had to sit down”.
She further wrote.
“… Odi [her husband] and I have actually been here and I have never discussed it where we had, like uhm, a scare. I had a cancer scare in quote and I had like my thyroid removed. And it was like a journey for us because we had kids.
My last was six months at that time and then we kept on saying “okay, we have to understand that this is the new us, let’s go get the surgery done”. And then we got there, they said I was going to be on medication for the rest of my life and it was a reality that we had to sit down.
You know, them giving me a timing and telling me you can’t miss your medication. Once you wake up that day, that’s the first thing. Telling me all of the side effects. So I’m reconciling with this you’re saying, it’s the truth. At the point you realize this is where we are, let’s grow from here, let’s live in this comfort zone.”