A devastating incident occurred on Saturday morning in Ekosodin, Edo State, when a storey building on Ekhator Street, Benin, collapsed during a heavy downpour.
The area is predominantly inhabited by students due to its proximity to the University of Benin, with many students residing there due to limited accommodation options within the university.
The collapse sparked widespread panic among the student population.
Fortunately, some trapped students have been rescued, while search operations continue for others still unaccounted for.
A student who witnessed the incident reported that a university rescue team successfully evacuated several occupants, although many sustained severe injuries.
The injured were promptly transported to the hospital for medical attention.
The rescue team is still working to locate and rescue one victim who remains trapped beneath the rubble and has been making calls for help.
The Dean of Student Affairs is present at the scene, coordinating rescue efforts alongside the university team.
As of the latest report, the university management has not released an official statement regarding the cause of the collapse or the total number of individuals affected.
However, the State Fire Service has deployed three trucks to assist in the rescue mission, with personnel on the ground to support the operation.
This incident has raised concerns about building safety and the welfare of students in the area.