Ours is not to judge. If T.B Joshua heals by the finger of God then the kingdom of God has been established on earth but even if it was the other way round. In all things glory goes to God. If T.B said he heals in the name of God then the name of God is glorified.
If you by your wisdom give glory to Satan about his works it is your choice and God is the final judge between you and your decision, because God knows all. He (God) created evil and Good. And we shall be judged according to our works.
All other sins may be forgiven but not the sin against the Holy spirit. Things of the spirit are viewed differently. Christ told his disciples not to stop the person healing and performing miracles in his name who was not his follower by saying “if he is not against us, he is for us and no one ever perform wonders in his name and turn round to speak evil of his name”.
Christ also said “if the world hate me you who are my followers would also be hated by the world”. Blessed are those who are hated and maligned for the name of Christ for their reward is great in Heaven.
Christ also said “woe unto you that everyone speak well of you,so do your fathers to the false prophets”. LK 6:26
Based on the teaching of Christ if you are accepted by the world then you are conforming to the dictates of the world so you would not be antagonized by the world but if you live by the ways of Christ the world must persecute you, call you all manner of names but rejoice for your reward is great in heaven.
For those who are accepted by the world they have their reward already. As a fact, if not all, almost all the disciples of Christ were murdered shamefully and horrendously.
That is why it is not easy to follow Christ in truth and in spirit. Don’t be surprised that not up to 4% of the people masquerading as followers of the Lord Jesus are genuine.
To follow Christ in truth and in spirit is horrendously terrifying, not everyone would do it wholeheartedly, not all gatherings in his (Christ) name that are of God.
However, the BBC documentary is a courageous exposition of the body of Christ but it agrees with the scriptures that Prophet T.B JOSHUA was indeed a true prophet of God who was bold enough to follow his unique calling and demonstration of his God’s given gifts in the name of Jesus wherein so many kingdoms of darkness were destroyed, many children of God under their captivity released.
T.B Joshua glorified the name of God and not his name so all the attacks on his person and ministry are fulfilment of scriptures.
We still have Scribes and the likes who never believed that a man could forgive sins and accused Christ of using the Prince of demons to cast out devils . Till today many never believed in Christ’s miracles as recorded in the holy books.
Even if the world prophetically could not believe in the source of T.B Joshua’s power of healing and deliverance they should believe in his work of unprecedented charity all over the world.
It is characteristically common to human beings to be jealous over things beyond their scope and comprehension. It happened to Our Lord Jesus Christ and it is still happening, but to offend the believers or the souls Prophet T.B Joshua converted for Christ the consequence are scripturally grievous . “It is better to be hanged with a millstone and cast into the sea”.
We must therefore be focused on Christ which is LOVE that T.B Joshua preached and practiced, and not on our religious leaders or persons. What I know is, if what BBC said is false, in no time soon or later, BBC would be no more but SCOAN would remain. Times shall judge!!!!
Chief S.T Yenge writes from Abuja.