Chaos erupted at Ramachandra Nodal High School, a government-run institution near the Indian town of Kendrapara on the Bay of Bengal when a massive swarm of bees attacked students and teachers.
According to eyewitnesses, the bees had established a large colony, measuring two feet in length, in a tree on the school grounds. Despite their presence, the bees remained peaceful until the day of the event. A group of mischievous monkeys disturbed their hive, agitating the bees.
One teacher, who wished to remain anonymous, recounted the events leading up to the attack.
“The bees became agitated after the monkeys disturbed their hive. The furious swarm then tore through the school grounds, stinging more than 32 students and several teachers, spreading panic among those gathered for the celebration.”
The injured students were rushed to a community health center (CHC) in Derabish for treatment. At least 32 students required medical attention, with some suffering from severe allergic reactions.