A 25-year-old woman, Blessing Chiromonyo, allegedly killed her two children following suspicions of her husband’s infidelity on January 8, 2025, at a water canal in Section 4 of Triangle, Masvingo Zimbabwe.
According to a police statement, Chiromonyo took her two daughters, aged three and seven, to the canal and jumped into the water with them in an apparent murder-suicide attempt. The strong currents swept the children away, leading to their drowning, while Chiromonyo managed to escape unharmed.
Preliminary investigations suggest that the tragedy was caused by a domestic dispute.
Chiromonyo had reportedly accused her husband of infidelity, which led to a heated argument. Neighbors heard raised voices before the altercation escalated into the incident that claimed the lives of the two children.
Chiromonyo has been detained on charges of murder and remains in custody pending further legal proceedings.